Efthymis Filippou;
Country UK, Ireland;
Dr. Steven Murphy is a renowned cardiovascular surgeon who presides over a spotless household with his wife and two children. Lurking at the margins of his idyllic suburban existence is Martin, a fatherless teen who insinuates himself into the doctor's life in gradually unsettling ways. Soon, the full scope of Martin's intent becomes menacingly clear when he confronts Steven with a long-forgotten transgression that will shatter his domestic bliss forever;
genres Horror
The lobster was interesting. It's so weird to see that bit about from the director of The Lobster when the A24 is what immediately locked me in. Don't get me wrong either, The Lobster' was amazing and different and you can already see some of the style present here that was seen in the earlier film, but that sense of fucked up psychological horror just lurks in the corners of every frame. I saw the earlier trailer for this and thought, Oh, The kids messed up and evil, but there's a human reasoning to it all. This trailer makes me think, Kill him, kill him now. Download movie the killing of a sacred deer about.
Without saying too much about the film, The killing of a sacred deer is one of those films where while watching it would be tough, uncomfortable and uneasy. However, coming out of it, allowing the film to settle and marinate there really is a lot to pick apart and analyze. Much like Yorgos Lanthimos' other film: The Lobster" although compared to that, this film is all the intense and dark.
The killing of a sacred deer stars Colin Farrell, Nicole Kidman and Barry Keoghan (from Dunkirk) and really is about this mythology about redemption, facing yourself and revenge. There is a very interesting dynamic in the film that plays out giving off a strong sense of unnerving and chilling event unfolding. While the killing of a sacred deer isn't a pure horror it really achieves an effect that can be so much scarier than that of classic horror films and tropes.
Like the Lobster, the killing of a sacred deer follows a society very much devoid of emotions in which people speak in a very matter of factly manner with very little variation in tone. This has come to be a sort of trademark for Lanthimos' films and is especially effective here under the brilliant acting of the entire cast, the highlights being the aforementioned three leads. This all goes to achieve the greater effect and deliver the overarching message about confronting one's faults that ties up wonderfully by the end of the film.
The killing of the sacred deer's score was also beautifully written with this piercing edges adding to the suspense and uneasy feeling. Another thing is the camera work, this was done deliberately and so interestingly, by taking shots either from top to bottom or from bottom to top there is a sense of audiences peering into the conversations and almost stalking the characters adding an extra layer of storytelling.
Overall, the film was well crafted and presents interesting themes but can feel dragged at certain times and does suffer from the pacing. Also, it was an uncomfortable viewing that takes time to really settle in and understand the true intentions of the film which is sure to draw a negative reaction immediately following the film.
Download movie the killing of a sacred deer season. He's great in these weird type movies. Some people in the comments really complaining about the fact that you didn't warn about spoilers. If you haven't seen the film and are planning to watch it, why would you click a review and explanation video ? That's just straight idiotic. Too much metaphor, not enough substance. Download Movie The Killing of a Sacred deer and doe. Download Movie The Killing of a Sacred deer. Download Movie The Killing of a Sacred deer hunting. The killing of a sacred deer دانلود.
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Oh only the ending bothers me and needs explanation! Uhmmmm are they now slave to Martin's wants like in the ending they were in the cafeteria or restaurant that Martin been seeing Colin Farrell? Martin seems to be clingy to Colin, so does he requires him to be there when he wants him, etc.
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How was Martin able to do all this. Another upcoming flop. Download movie the killing of a sacred deer. Martin used his spectrum to hack into their bwains. Colins witty remarks are the best things ever! I absolutely love him. Lobsters don't talk, tf.
It amazes me when good actors have to make such horrible stories
Download movie the killing of a sacred deer free. Download movie the killing of a sacred deer park. Download movie the killing of a sacred deer show. Download movie the killing of a sacred deer youtube. Download Movie The Killing of a Sacred deerfield. Everybody saw Colins gear. #sextape.
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This guy got his head smashed and die in Dunkirk.
If one does not know the greek movie will seem quite ridiculous. Thanks for the movie was superficial and had horrid background music.
I'm glad he's back.
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Colin is hot.
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So is this movie about deer hunting or what😂🤔.
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I honestly felt worse watching mother. Sacred Deer is just TOO obsessed with being ghoulish funny to be serious. Anyone who's seen the last five minutes will know what I'm talking about.
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Colin Ferrel is freakin funny lol.
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