Country: Spain /
Runtime: 121m /
Director: Fernando González Molina /
Leonardo Sbaraglia, Nene /
Audience score: 2316 Vote
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Estos temas con orquesta le queda mejor, es un sueño escucharla, pero lo malo es que no se deja aconsejar bien, pero bien.
Todas estan en NEtflic pero cual es la 1ra? cual la 2na? y cual es la ultima.
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Legado en los huesos 2019.
Legado en los huesos reparto.
Legado en los huesos – moștenirea oaselor.
This movie is very slow it seems they wish to talk more than actual work. The lead investigator hasn't a clue what she is doing. I also noticed she had a perfect opportunity to help out a young lad but instead turned a blind eye.
Overall just boring boring boring and the acting was horrible especially the lead investigator and her boyfriend partner. They definitely picked the wrong actors for this drama.
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Estamos enganchados acabó de ver el Guadian Invisible y el legado de huesos y estoy que me alzo de DE PELÍCULA Y ACTORAZOS... 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏.
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Alguien sabe cuando se estrena en México.
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Legado en los huesos – moștenirea oaselor (2020.
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Man, what a letdown!
Even >The Invisible Guardian wasn't all that compelling, we have to admit that. The problem is that, with this new feature, the authors simply kept on doing the same mistakes as before. They learned nothing.
And so, being things as they are, we are presented with a so-called mystery feature film that not only doesn't make all that sense but also doesn't really come to an end, given the final cliffhanger that leaves us questioning (or maybe just wondering whether it's worth to watch another 2-hour movie like this one that would probably not make any sense either. br>
To sum it up, I would say that, just like in the previous movie:
- The main character, the detective, well. she doesn't seem to do all that much: she just basically keeps on wandering without doing any real police work. Work that she lets her colleagues do while she keeps herself busy by making Skype calls with her "FBI friend" breast-feeding and listening to some "sensations" of hers.
- The "witch/black magic" plot it's not only cliched but "ominously" ridiculous, and of course had to have something to do with the crazy mother of the detective (you'll see that coming if you have seen the previous movie. li>
Furthermore, like in >The Invisible Guardian the esotheric is just basically thrown in as to try to make things more interesting and thrilling but just ends up dragging the all movie down minute after minute. It's confusionary and very much left unexplained
(Why the scene at the beginning? Why little town of Betzan is supposed to be riddled with witches and dark cult followers? And, by the way, who the hell are this cult followers that some old friend of the detective's mother suddenly bring to her attention and then disappear from the narrative (we should suppose because they want to make the next movie about them. br> We could go on with examples of unanswered questions for another hour.
This is a truncated movie with no real ending. It's a frustrating feature because of its sometimes lackluster plot and frequent plot holes and unfinished narrative.
Also because of the bad acting and the almost total absence of suspense (the only exception to this being the last few minutes.
So, if you wanna see an unfinished and convoluted thriller that'll leave you lingering 'till the next movie comes out well, help yourself. You'll be well served.
But, on the other hand, if you like well-rounded thrillers that pack real surprises and that are able to connect all the dots together nicely, that are able to wrap the all narrative up in a satisfying and logical way well, give this movie a pass.
Legado en los huesos trailer 2019 español. El legado en los huesos. Legado en los hueso. Legado en los huesos trailer. Legado en los huesos trailer 2020. Legado en los huesos imdb. Hola buen video a mí me gustó mucho la película y la anterior también, solo me quedó una duda, de porqué le cortaban el brazo a las mujeres asesinadas. era solo por canibalismo? Los motivos de la madre de Amaia tampoco me quedaron tan claros, cómo porqué los bebés en sacrificio tenían que ser niñas y que lograban l buscaban con esos horribles sacrificios. Saludos.
Legado en los huesos.
Tiene buena pinta 😊.
Legado en los huesos online.
The star amia cant act, she has no screen presence, no chemistry with her on screen husband.
She has to be the worst inspector in history, she cant shoot, cant run, is crying all the time making heavy noises when she has to sneak up to people. Her partner has better ideas than her. The story panders about without leading anywhere. She is scared of her mother and is supposed to be a police, she keeps calling her mentor on Skype what is she a trainee, dont want it.
No me gustó el tráiler, ella tiene un romance con otro. Cuando en las primeras dos no tiene nada con nadie, pensaba nada más que en su esposo y su hijo.
Es LEONARDO Sbaraglia... NO Fernando...
Es preciosa, gran trabajo ha hecho Amaia
Legado en los huesos sinopsis.
Legado en los huesos movie.
Impresionante. Que maravilla. El goya,si o si.
Hermosaaaa. 😍 😍.
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Pues les cuento q hay un cuarto libro fuera de la trilogia pero tambien es de amaia, se llama la cara norte del corazon es sobre un episodio de la infancia. estoy averiguando! y tambien igual que todos estoy esperando este estreno! netflix me rayo la cabeza con estas peliculas ! jejejej.
Legado en los huesos libro. Legado en los huesos amaia. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👑👑👑👑. Legado en los huesos critica. Cuanta sensibilidad, la canción es preciosa, 🎶🎹👏👏 Amaia es música 👑. Legado en los huesos teaser. Legado en los huesos descargar pelicula. Legado en los huesos — netflix film. Si ando buscando je je me encanta. Legado en los huesos resumen. Legado en los huesos cast. Legado en los huesos english. Legado en los huesos explicacion. Legado en los huesos trailer subtitulado español.
Preciosa canción grande Amaia.